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Configuration Files for TEv2 tools

Every TEv2 tool execution can be configured using a configuration file that specifies the parameters (arguments) that otherwise would need to be supplied on the command line. The file is supplied by using the command line parameter -c <path> or --config <path>, where <path> is the path (including the filename).

The configuration file is in a YAML format. When the -c or --config option is specified when calling a TEv2 tool, the tool attempts to read the specified file and evaluates all fields that are not in a specific section, as well as all fields that are in a tool-specific section. A field whose name is defined in the specifications for that tool will be interpreted. All other fields are ignored.

The options specified on the command line have precedence over the options specified in the configuration file. Similarly, the options specified in tool specific sections have precedence over the (general) options specified in the 'root' of the configuration file. The tool specific sections are specified in the configuration file by using the command line name of the tool as the section name.

Example configuration file
The following file has been used in the context of developing this documentation. Some options like file paths are relative to the directory from which the tools are called, which in this case is the `docs` directory.
# TNO Terminology Design tools configuration file (yaml)

## General
scopedir: . # path of the scope directory where the SAF is located
onNotExist: warn # the action in case an MRG was specified, but wasn't found in the SAF
output: . # (root) directory for output files to be written to

## Machine Readable Glossary Tool
vsntag: # versiontag for which the MRG needs to be (re)generated. Leave empty to process all versions
macros: # macros to be used for formPhrases
"{ss}": ["", "s", "'s", "(s)"]
"{yies}": ["y", "y's", "ies"]

## Human Readable Glossary Tool
interpreter: default # Type of interpreter, i.e., a regex, or a predefined type (`default`)
converter: markdown-section-3 # Type of converter, i.e., a mustache/handlebars template, or a predefined type (`markdown-table-row, `markdown-section-2`, `markdown-section-3`)
- "*gloss*.md"

## Term Reference Resolution Tool
interpreter: default # Type of interpreter, i.e., a regex, or a predefined type (`default`, `alt`)")
converter: html-hovertext-link # Type of converter, i.e., a mustache/handlebars template, or a predefined type (`markdown-link`, `html-link`, `html-hovertext-link`, `html-glossarytext-link`)")
input: # glob pattern strings for files to be processed by the TRRT
- "**/*.md"

Below, you can find all of the possible options you can specify in the various configuration sections. These match the parameters that can be specified on the command line.

If a parameter is specified on the command line, it must be preceded by the -- (e.g., as in --scopedir), or the alternative short form can be used as described in the specifications of the individual tools.


The columns in the following table are defined as follows:

  1. Parameter specifies the parameter and further specifications.
  2. Req'd specifies whether (Y) or not (n) the parameter is required to be present when the tool is being called for actual processing (so not in case a help or version parameter is specified). If Y, the parameter MUST either be present in the configuration file, or as a command line parameter.
  3. Description specifies the meaning of the Value field, and other things you may need to know, e.g. why it is needed, a required syntax, etc.

Parameters that can be used by most, if not all tools can be put both in tool-specific sections, or in the 'root' of the YAML file.

Generic ParametersReq'dDescription
scopedir: <path>YPath of the scope directory where the SAF is located.
onNotExist: <action>nThe action in case something that is necessary for further processing didn't exist.
`onNotExist` Actions
'throw'an error is thrown (an exception is raised), and processing will stop.
'warn'a message is displayed (and logged) and processing continues.
'log'a message is written to a log(file) and processing continues.
'ignore'processing continues as if nothing happened.

  1. Multiple converters may be specified by appending a number to the parameter key, e.g., converter[1]: <template> converter[2]: <template>, where n is the termid occurrence count from which to start using a specific converter during resolution of a file. Using converter, without a number, is equal to using converter[0]