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MRG Entry

An MRG Entry is a machine-readable (and interpretable) artifact that contains (pointers to) data and meta-data about a particular semantic unit, such as the associated term(s), its definition, etc., to make it easy for IT-tools to create, e.g. documentation, glossaries, dictionaries, whitepapers, etc. that uses such terms (definitions, etc.).

A terminology can be seen as the collection of MRG entries that hold all data related to the terms that the terminology consists of.

The contents of an MRG entry may vary, depending on the type of semantic unit that it documents. The kinds of data that are common for all semantic units are documented here.

The terminology pattern provides an overview of how this concept fits in with related concepts.

The terminology construction manual describes how MRG entries are selected (and manipulated) for the construction of a particular terminology.


MRG entries provide all (meta) data about a particular semantic unit that IT-tools might need for their own purposes.

As an example, consider a terms-community that would like to have an overview of all terms that it uses in a human readable way, and decides it needs a (human readable) glossary of these terms. Thus, they need a tool that knows how to find all these terms and their definitions, and (after sorting them) render them into some human readable form. This tool would look for the MRG for that terminology, which contains the MRG entries that contain all data that the tool needs.

As the number of tools that need (meta) data about terms grows, MRG entries will be expected to cater for such needs.