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TEv2 Tool

A TEv2 Tool is any software application or utility designed to support and streamline various tasks related to terminology management following the TEv2 specifications.

These tools play a crucial role in the curation, creation, and maintenance of terminological assets, enabling curators to efficiently handle different aspects of the terminology management process within a particular scope.

Together, the TEv2 tools make up the TEv2 toolbox.


The TEv2 Toolbox Tools empower users to perform various tasks, including:

  • Converting raw texts, such as markdown and LaTeX documents, into formatted texts suitable for static website pages or PDF files.
  • Creating machine-readable glossaries (MRGs) and human-readable glossaries (HRGs) from curated texts.
  • Ensuring the integrity and adherence of curated texts to TEv2 specifications.

Through the TEv2 Toolbox Tools, curators and contributors can efficiently manage terminological assets, ensuring consistency, accuracy, and accessibility of curated glossaries.


  1. Curators utilize the HRGT to create well-structured, human-readable glossaries, improving accessibility for stakeholders.
  2. The ICT is employed to check the integrity of various files, ensuring adherence to TEv2 specifications.


  • The TEv2 Toolbox Tools form an essential part of the TEv2 specifications, supporting the efficient creation and maintenance of terminological assets.
  • Each Tool serves a unique function, contributing to the overall success of the terminology management process.