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TEv2 Toolbox

The TEv2 Toolbox is the collection of tools designed to support and facilitate the process of terminology management following the TEv2 specifications. These tools assist curators in various tasks related to the curation, creation, and maintenance of terminological assets.

The TEv2 Toolbox includes essential tools such as the MRG Importer, HRGT, MRDT, HRDT, MRGT, ICT, TRRT, but there may be others. Each tool serves a specific purpose in the overall terminology management process, contributing to the efficiency and accuracy of the curation workflow.


The TEv2 Toolbox provides valuable support for converting various raw texts, including markdown and LaTeX documents, into well-structured and formatted texts suitable for static website pages or PDF files. Curators and contributors can utilize these tools to create both human-readable glossaries (HRGs) and machine-readable glossaries (MRGs) from curated texts.


The tools within the TEv2 Toolbox serve multiple functions, including:

  1. MRG Importer: Obtains local copies of all MRGs available in specified scopes, streamlining access to relevant glossaries.
  2. HRGT: Converts raw markdown texts into formatted texts, ensuring better accessibility and readability.
  3. MRDT: Assists in creating MRDs from various MRGs (and possibly curated texts).
  4. HRDT: Supports the creation of HRDs with detailed explanations and context.
  5. MRGT: Enables the generation of MRDs from curated texts (and existing MRGs from other scopes).
  6. ICT: Ensures the conformity of various files to their [TEv2 specifications](/docs/specs/files), maintaining data integrity.

The TEv2 Toolbox empowers curators to streamline the terminology management process, ensuring the creation of accurate, accessible, and well-structured terminological assets that align with the objectives of the community or project involved.


  1. A collaborative research project uses the TEv2 Toolbox to convert raw markdown texts into a human-readable glossary, making the curated content accessible to all stakeholders.
  2. A technical standards organization leverages the MRG Importer to import relevant machine-readable glossaries from other scopes, enriching their own terminology with industry-specific terms.


  • The TEv2 Toolbox represents a significant advancement in the field of terminology management, simplifying the creation and maintenance of terminological assets.
  • It promotes consistency and accuracy across curated glossaries, enhancing communication and understanding within the community or project.