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Form Phrase Macro Maps

A Form Phrase Macro Map is a list of form phrase macros that the MRGT will use to expand form phrases as specified for curated texts into form phrases as specified for MRGs.

Form phrase macros are typically useful for scopes in which terms are used that exist in particular languages, such as English, French, Dutch, etc. For every such language, particular sets of form phrase macros would be useful, which can be specified as form-phrase macro maps.


A form phrase macro map enables curators to define a set of form phrase macros that is particularly suited for creating form phrases for the language that is used within the scope they curate.

Specifying and Using Form Phrase Macro Maps

Form phrase macro maps can be specified in

Whenever a TEv2 tool (e.g., the MRGT) needs a form phrase macro map, this macro map is constructed as follows:

  1. An initial macro map consists of the default one, which is specified in the example section below.
  2. If the (the scope section of) the SAF contains a form phrase macro map, this replaces the initial macro map. So, all form phrase macros that are used within the scope must then appear in the macro map of that SAF.
  3. If the configuration file that is used to call the TEv2 tool contains a form phrase macro map, the contents of this macro map overwrites the macro map that is being constructed. This means that when a macro map in the configuration file contains a macro:
    • that doesn't yet exist, it will be added to the macro map;
    • that already exists, it will overwrite the macro that existed;
    • whose value is "" (empty), this means that the macro is rendered ineffective (it doesn't do anything).


Here is an example of a macro map that specifies a set of form phrase macros that were designed to support English form phrases:

"{ss}": ["", "s", "'s", "(s)"], # "act{ss}" --> "act", "acts", "act's", "act(s)"
"{ess}": ["", "es", "'s", "(es)"], # "regex{es}" --> "regex", "regexes", "regex's", "regex(es"
"{yies}": ["y", "y's", "ies"], # "part{yies}" --> "party", "party's", "parties"
"{ying}": ["y", "ying", "ies", "ied"], # "identif{ying}" --> "identify", "identifying", "identifies", "identified"
"{es}": ["e", "es", "ed", "ing"], # "mangag{es}" --> "manage", "manages", "managed", "managing"
"{able}": ["able", "ability"] # "cap{able}" --> "capable", "capability"