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Body Files

A body file contains the body of a curated text, i.e. the text that documents a semantic unit, but has no a-priori structure whatsoever (as that would be part of the header of that curated text).

Typically, body files are pieces of documentation about a particular concept (or other kind of semantic unit) that already serve a purpose in some documentation set. For example, a set of documents that constitute, e.g., an architecture, or a specification, would contain files that specify a particular entity (e.g., a component, or a protocol). The contents of these files could then serve as the body of a curated text that documents that particular entity.

Where to store Body Files

Body files are to be located within the curatedir of the scope of which they are part, so that the TEv2 tools can properly find and operate on them.

How to reference Body Files in a Curated Text Header

If a curated text only contains the header, it needs to contain a reference to the associated body file. This is done using the bodyFile field in the header. Its value should contain the path, relative to the scopedir, that contains the body of this curated text. See also Predefined TEv2 Header Fields.