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Term Selection - Syntax

A term selection instruction is a specification for the MRGT to modify the provisional MRG that it is working with should be modified. This documents specifies the syntax for the various instructions.

Term selection instructions are used in the [`versions` section](/docs/specs/files/saf#versions) of the SAF, where the various MRG (versions) for the scope are defined.
Example of a `termselection` field in a SAF
Term selection instructions go in the `termselection` fields of in the [versions section](/docs/specs/files/saf#versions) of the SAF. This `termselection` field is an array of YAML texts. Here is an example:
- "[party,actor,action,onboarding,organization]@essif-lab"
- "rename action [id:act, term:act, formPhrases:'act{ss}']"
- "term[action]@essif-lab"
Every instruction must be surrounded by quotes

This is to ensure YAML interpreters can actually read it.
Take care to properly nest quotes (as in the 'rename' instruction of the example).

Selecting Terms to be Added to the Provisional MRG

Legend of abbreviations used
<tid>a terminology identifier that identifies the terminology that the MRGT will use as its source.
<f1>, <f2>a formphrase (for a particular term).
<key>the name of a field in the header of a curated text, or in an MRG entry of the MRG, whichever the MRGT uses as its source.
<v1>, <v2>a text value.
"*"Create an MRG entry from every curated text in the current scope, and add it to the provisional MRG.
"[ <f1>, <f2>, ... ]"Create an MRG entry from every curated text that matches any of the form phrases <f<i>>.
"<key> [ <v1>, <v2>, ... ]"Create an MRG entry from every curated text that has a header with a field named <key>, and whose value matches any of the specified values <v<i>>.1
Adding terms from other scopes

By adding a terminology identifier @<tid> to any of the above instructions, you specify that the MRG entries that are to be selected must originate from the terminology that this terminology identifier <tid> identifies.

The instruction "[ party, actor ]@essif-lab" will copy all MRG entries from the (default version) of the MRG as it exists in the scope essif-lab. Of course, essif-lab must be defined as a scopetag in one of the entries of the scopes section of the SAF.

Examples for adding terms
"[actor,party]"select every curated text in the current scope, that matches any of the form phrases actor or party.
"term [actor]"select every curated text in the current scope, of which the term field in its header has the value actor.
"status[proposed,approved]"select every curated text in the current scope, of which the status field in its header has the value proposed or approved.
"somefield []"select every curated text in the current scope, of which the somefield field in its header has no value specified.
"[actor,party]@tev2:v1"select every MRG entry in the terminology identified by @tev2:v1, that matches any of the form phrases actor or party.
"term [actor,party]@tev2:v1"select every MRG entry in the terminology identified by @tev2:v1, of which the term field has the value actor or party.
"grouptags[x,y,z]@essif-lab"select every MRG entry in the default terminology of scope essif-lab, of which the grouptags field contains one or more of the values x, y, or z.

Selecting Terms to be Removed from the Provisional MRG

The syntax for removing terms is similar to one that is used for adding terms, but it is preceded with a -character, as follows:

Legend of abbreviations used
<f1>, <f2>a formphrase (for a particular term).
<key>the name of a field in the header of a curated text, or in an MRG entry of the MRG, whichever the MRGT uses as its source.
<v1>, <v2>a text value.
"-[ <f1>, <f2>, ... ]"Remove every MRG entry from the provisional MRG that matches any of the <f<i>>.
"-<key> [ <v1>, <v2>, ... ]"Remove every MRG entry from the provisional MRG that has a field named <key>, and whose value matches any of the specified values <v<i>>.1
Examples for removing terms:
"-[actor,party]"remove all MRG entries that match any of the form phrases actor or party.
"-term [actor]"remove all entries that have a term field whose value is actor.
"-status[proposed,approved]"remove all entries that have a status field whose value is proposed or approved.
"-grouptags[x,y,z]"remove all entries that have a grouptags field of which one of the listed grouptags is x, y, or z.
"-somefield []"remove all entries that have a somefield field that has no value specified.

Renaming/rewriting term fields

In analogy with namespaces, we accommodate for the renaming of terms (better: modifying fields in provisional MRG entries) as they are 'imported' from terminologies other than the one that we are constructing. However, the analogy breaks down in the sense that it is not only the term that should be renamable (which is sufficient for namespaces), but also certain attributes may need to be changed, e.g. the formPhrases.

The following syntaxes are available for renaming fields in a provisional MRG entry that is part of the provisional MRG:

Legend of abbreviations used
<ttrm>is the value of the term field in the MRG entry of the provisional MRG that is selected for the renaming process, which may optionally be preceded with <termType>: (where <termType> would then be the value of the termType field in that MRG entry). Note that this value is an identifier for that MRG entry.
<k<i>>a text that corresponds with a field name in an MRG entry in the provisional MRG, such as formPhrases, glossaryText, grouptags, status, etc.
<v<i>>a text that will replace the existing text of the field identified by <k<i>>. If the text contains multiple words, it should be surrounded with quotes.
"rename <ttrm> [ <k1>:<v1>, <k2>:<v2>, ... ]"In the MRG entry that is identified by <ttrm> in the provisional MRG, the values of the fields k<i> are replaced by their corresponding values v<i> (also if v<i> is the empty string)

Here is how it works. First, the provisional MRG Entry is searched that has a term field whose value is <term>. If found, all <key>:<value> pairs are processed in the sequence they are specified. Processing a <key>:<value> pair consists of looking for a field named <key> in the selected MRG entry. We now have the following situations:

  • if the <key> field exists, and
    • if the <value> is not empty, then the contents of the field is overwritten by <value>;
    • if the <value> is empty, then the contents of the field is deleted;
  • if the <key> field does not exists, and
    • if the <value> is not empty, then a new field named <key> with the specified <value> is added to the MRG entry;
    • if the <value> is empty, then nothing is done.
Renaming examples
  • "rename party [ status:accepted, glossaryText:'A natural person or a legal person' ]":

    • searches for the provisional MRG entry whose term field has value party, and (when found)
    • changes (or creates) its status field to so that it contains accepted, and
    • changes (or creates) its glossaryText field to so that it contains "A natural person or a legal person".
  • "rename party [ term:partij, formPhrases:'partij{en}', glossaryText:'Een natuurlijk persoon of een rechtspersoon' ]"

    • searches for the provisional MRG entry whose term field has value party, and (when found)
    • changes (or creates) its term field to so that it contains partij;
    • changes (or creates) its status field to so that it contains approved.
    • changes (or creates) its glossaryText field to so that it contains "A natural or legal person"
  • "rename party [ glossaryText: ]"

    • searches for the provisional MRG entry whose term field has value party, and (when found)
    • removes the contents from the glossaryText field if such a field exists.

  1. 'matching' means that [TBD: specify the matching algorithm, in particular when the field itself is an array, such as grouptags, headingids, etc.].