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Term Selection Instruction

A Term Selection Instruction is an instruction that is used to select one or more terms for the purpose of processing their documentation, e.g., to create an MRG.

Curators must have the ability to [construct terminologies](/docs/manuals/curator/terminology-construction). They do so by specifying the contents of a terminology as a sequence of term selection instructions, which they maintain in the SAF. Term selection instructions have a [well defined syntax](/docs/specs/syntax/term-selection).

The MRGT interprets the term selection instructions in the sequence in which they are specified, and doing this changes the provisional MRG that it is creating; provisional MRG Entries may be created (added) or removed. There are also instructions for modifying provisional MRG Entries.


  1. There are examples for adding terms to a provisional MRG.
  2. There are also examples for removing terms from a provisional MRG.


  • Term selection instructions are essential for ensuring that the terminological assets in a scope are relevant, accurate, and comprehensive.
  • Curators use term selection instructions to tailor the terminology to the specific needs and objectives of the community or project.