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Term Type

A Term Type is an identifier that is used to identify a particular kind of semantic unit. Examples include concept, relation, pattern (or mental-model).

The ability to specify a term type as part of a term mimics the common practice of disambiguating semantically overloaded terms. With in the context of TEv2, this is currently not used.

Default Term Type

Every semantic unit that is described in a curated text may be classified as a particular kind, by specifying the class in the termType-field of its header.

Whenever the termType-field is left empty, or is omitted, and the curated text is used for generating an MRG entry, this MRG entry will include a termType field that has the default value for that scope.

The default value is specified in the defaulttype-field in the scope section of the SAF.

Every scope is free to choose its own term type values. However, in order to ensure interoperability as much as possible, we recommend to use any of the ones as defined below:

namethis is a semantic unit that captures
conceptan idea/thought behind a classification of entities (what makes entities in that class 'the same') (see: concept).
relationa (significant) connection or association between two or more concepts (see: relation).
propertya connection or association between a concept and a primitive data element, such as a text or a number, that represents some characteristic that instances of the concept may have (see: property).
patterna (coherent) set concepts (ideas), properties, relations between concepts, and constraints, which together apply to a certain topic (see: pattern).