Machine Readable Dictionary Generation Tool

The Machine Readable Dictionary generation Tool (MRDT) generates a Machine Readable Inventory (that we call a Machine Readable Dictionary or MRD) of terms that originate from different (versions of) terminologies, from various scopes. The inventory has a specific, well-defined format. Like MRGs, the contents of MRDs is determined by a list of term selection instructions, which specify the (sets of) terms that are to be included.
MRDs are meant to be processed by the other tools in the toolbox, specifically by one of the HRDTs, which would then create a Human Readable Dictionary (or HRD).MRDs can typically used to enable the creation of HRDs that are fit for specific purposes, e.g. for comparing terminologies between different scopes, which helps e.g. when aligning terminologies between them. Also they can be used to provide an overview of what various scopes utilize specific terms for (education). And there's certainly going to be more such purposes.Editor's note
The specifications of this tool need to be authored. It is suggested to look at the MRGT-specs, and adapt that text.