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TEv2 - Purpose

The Terminology Engine (v2) is a set of specifications and tools that caters for the creation and maintenance (i.e. curation) of terminologies, as well as for its subsequent use in publications of different types (e.g. websites, whitepapers) and formats (e.g. html, LaTeX), as appropriate for different, individual scopes.

The main objective of TEv2 is to provide support to communities that actively seek to understand one another, first within the community itself, but also across communities that also use TEv2.

In practice, this means that TEv2 provides tools and mechanisms that:

  1. help readers of publications (that were generated with TEv2 tools) to understand the terms that are used therein, in the way that the authors have intended (rather than interpreting such terms in their own way);
  2. facilitating authors to write and publish texts where terms can be referenced to their intended meaning, within, and across scopes;
  3. supporting authors, readers and other stakeholders to such publications as they seek to create and further develop a terminology that they can commit to (within a specific scope), which we expect to also help develop insights in their subject matter of that scope).

These contributions are what so-called curators of the scope seek to deliver. They are the ones that make sure that there is a location where people can contribute to the development of the terminology of a scope, and tools are installed and operational that enable authors to use them as they publish their documents. Curators have their own manual.

This website shows what that might look like (popups on terms showing their definition).