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Managing Config Files

A TEv2 Configuration File is a (YAML) file that provides the various TEv2 tools with a set of predefined parameters that configure their runtime behavior.

Such parameters may specify, for example, which files to process (input files), where output files are to be put, whether overwriting input files is permitted, and so on. An overview of all such parameters is given by the documentation on such configuration files.

While configuration files can be located anywhere within the scopedir, the preferred (i.e., most practical) location is the scopedir itself.

Here is an example of the TEv2 configuration file that is used for this MVE. This file is located in the scopedir.

# TEv2 configuration file (for the MVE context)

## General
scopedir: .          # URL of (or relative path to) the scope directory (where the SAF is located)
onNotExist: warn     # Action in case something doesn't exist
output:   .          # (root) directory for output files to be written to

## Machine Readable Glossary Tool
  vsntag:            # versiontag of MRG to generate. Default: all MRGs

## Human Readable Glossary Tool
  converter: markdown-section-2  # style in which glossary entries are to be rendered
  input:                         # glob pattern for files to be processed
    - "*.md"

## Term Reference Resolution Tool
  converter: html-hovertext-link # style in which TermRefs are to be rendered
  input:                         # glob pattern for files to be processed
    - "**/*.md"

All tools use the fields in the beginning of the file, i.e.: scopedir, onNotExist and output. Individual tools also use the fields in the section that is identified with their name.

For example,

  • the TRRT tool also takes the fields converter and input from the section trrt. So, the TRRT will use html-hovertext-link as the value for its converter argument. Also, it will process all files within the scopedir that have the .md extension.
  • the HRGT tool will take its converter and input arguments
  • from the section hrgt. So, the HRGT will use markdown-section-2 as the value for its converter argument. And it will only process files that have the extension .md and that are located in the scopedir itself.


  1. Converters determine what the output of a tool looks like. Each tool that uses converters comes with a set of predefined ones. So there are TRRT converters and also HRGT converters. Converters can be customized, both for the TRRT and for the HRGT.