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Managing the Scope Administration File (SAF)

A Scope Administration File (SAF) is a (YAML) file that provides a centralized record of the resources in the documentation context that are needed by the various TEv2 tools.

The directory that contains the SAF of such a context (which in TEv2-parlance is called a scope) is called the scopedir (of that scope). It is the root relative to which all TEv2-related paths are specified.

Here is an example of the SAF for this MVE. For starters, you can simply copy this text, and adjust the contents of the various fields. When you do so, please be very accurate with the values that you provide.

  # Identifier that we use as a name for this scope
  scopetag: mve
  # URL of the scope-directory within the repo
  # path to directory where curated files are located. 
  # Full URL is `scopedir`/`curatedir`
  curatedir: terms
  # path to directory where all MRGs are located. 
  # Full URL is `scopedir`/`glossarydir`
  glossarydir: mrgs
  # vsntag that identifies the default terminology. 
  # Its MRG is located at `scopedir`/`glossarydir`/mrg.mve.yaml
  defaultvsn: mve-terms
  # Base URL for creating links to rendered versions of Curated Texts.
  # It should also serve as the home page of the terminology.
  # Path to the directory where Curated Texts are rendered. 
  # What `curatedir` is for Curated Texts, `navpath` is for 
  # the rendered versions of Curated Texts.
  navpath: /terms
  # Name of a field that can be found in the front matter of a 
  # curated text file, that will be used to generate links that
  # are routable by the static site generator that is being used.
  # If not specified, the filename of the body file will be used.
  navid: term
# The `scopes` section contains a mapping between scopetags 
# that are used within the scope, and the associated scopedirs.
# This enables tools to find the SAF of these scopes,
# and from there all other directories, files etc. that live
# within them, e.g. to use/import their data.
- scopetag: tev2 # name we use to identify the scope found at
  # the URL of the scope-directory:
# The `versions` section specifies the terminologies 
# that are actively maintained by the curators of this scope.
# For each (version of such a) terminology, termselection instructions
# must be provided that specify which terms are to be included.
# One of these section must have a `vsntag` that matches 
# the value of `defaultvsn` in the `scope`-section.
  # this version contains all terms that are curated within this scope
- vsntag: mve-terms 
  # include all terms that are curated within the current scope
  - "*"

There is a more elaborate explanation of the SAF in the TEv2 specifications.